Hardie Consulting

Free assistance to a charity helping our most vulnerable

Only six weeks ago, I wrote that Isolation was a “hopefully once in a lifetime opportunity to prove your business’ resilience, adaptability, and compassion”. Following an alarming spike in cases of COVID-19, the Victorian Government will be reinstating stage 3 lockdown restrictions from midnight tonight for Melbourne and some other parts of Victoria in an attempt to stem the virus’ spread. This has presented us with another – albeit unwanted – chance: to tell your Isolation Story Part II.  

Now more than ever, it is imperative that you record, celebrate, and share how you are navigating these times. The Isolation Story of your business is historic.  It provides lessons from which others can learn and derive hope. I strongly believe successful businesses beget successful businesses; this is a time to help one another, not ignore others’ misfortune. 

It is also time to reflect on what one could have perhaps done better than the first time around. I also wrote: “History (and your current and future customers and employees) will judge you on your response during this time.”  

I have thought about this statement a lot over the past month and what I could have done better to help others less fortunate than myself.  Unfortunately, I cannot pivot content marketing into hand sanitiser but I can certainly help organisations that are making a real difference to others.  

I am offering, at no charge, to assist a charity helping those in our community most vulnerable at this time.  

Please share this post with organisations who could benefit from:

  • assistance completing grant applications 
  • copy for digital marketing campaigns 
  • someone to draft communications to volunteers or updates to their database
  • introductions to people-who-know-people

We’re all in this together.  Contact me to start a conversation.